Friday, May 20, 2011

Lets try this...

So im going to give this a shot the whole blog thing, but if you are hoping to be able to read the going-ons in my day to day life please dont bother that is not my intent. If you are interested in that please refer yourself to my Wife's page ( and even then you will be getting minimal amounts of information about me. 

My main intent with this in to post information that I find to be interesting, which means it will usually have to do with scientifically related topics and or ones dealing with atheism. In no means am I trying to push a specific agenda on anyone but at the same time I will not be worried about offending anyone based on what I choose to post, this is, indeed, my blog. 

so with that I will leave you with a few things I find interesting at the moment just to get things started off. 

the CDC has released this article about what do to and how to prepare for the possibility of an impending zombie apocalypse, which could be closer then we all think considering that the world will be ending tomorrow at 6:00pm.

more to come soon...

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